Django App Settings

Error Tracker fits nicely with Django framework, error tracker can be configured in different ways. Multiple settings are available, these settings can be configured using settings file.

Setting details

  • Home page list size, display 10 exceptions per page
  • What all sensitive data should be masked

    APP_ERROR_MASKED_KEY_HAS =  ("password", "secret")


This means any variables whose name have either password or secret would be masked

  • Sensitive data masking value

    APP_ERROR_MASK_WITH = '*************'
  • Exception email subject prefix

  • Email sender’s email id
  • Whom email should be sent in the case of failure

  • By default only 500 errors are tracked but HTTP 404, 401 etc can be tracked as well



Below configurations are required path to some class.

  • Custom Masking Module

    APP_ERROR_MASKING_MODULE = "path to Masking class"
  • Ticketing/Bugging module

    APP_ERROR_TICKETING_MODULE = "path to Ticketing class"


    Class must not have any constructor arguments

  • Notifier module

    APP_ERROR_NOTIFICATION_MODULE = "path to Notification class"


    Class must not have any constructor arguments

  • Context Builder module

    APP_ERROR_CONTEXT_BUILDER_MODULE = "path to ContextBuilder class"


    Class must not have any constructor arguments

  • Custom Model used for exceptions storage
    APP_ERROR_DB_MODEL = "path to Model class"


    Class must implements all abstract methods

  • Exception Listing page permission

    By default exception listing is enabled for only admin users.

    APP_ERROR_VIEW_PERMISSION = 'permission.ErrorViewPermission'


    Class must not have any constructor parameters and should implement __call__ method.

  • Admin site support.

    By default this is False, it should be used when default model is used, for custom model you should registered yourself.


Manual Exception Tracking

Error can be tracked programmatically using ErrorTracker’s utility methods available in error_tracker module. For tracking exception call capture_exception method.

from error_tracker import capture_exception

catch Exception as e:
    capture_exception(request=request, exception=e)

A message can be captured using capture_message method.

from error_tracker import capture_message

catch Exception as e:
    capture_message("Something went wrong", request=request, exception=e)

Decorator based exception recording, record exception as it occurs in a method call.


Exception will be re-raised so it must be caught in the caller or ignored. Re-raising of exception can be disabled using silent=True parameter

from error_tracker import track_exception

def do_something():

So far, you have seen only uses where context is provided upfront using default context builder or some other means. Sometimes, we need to put context based on the current code path, like add user_id and email in login flow. ErrorTracker comes with context manager that can be used for such use cases.

from error_tracker import configure_scope

with configure_scope(request=request) as scope:
    scope.set_extra("user_id", 1234)
    scope.set_extra("email", ""

In this case whenever exception would be raised, it will capture the exception automatically and these context details would be stored as well.

    "context" : {
        "id" : 1234,
        "email" :  ""